Saturday, April 30, 2011

It is confirmed...

It has been confirmed by my doctor, my diabetes nurse, a high risk OB, and a nutritionist that I do in face have gestational diabetes. So, where do we go from here and what does this mean? It is a long roller coaster of doctor's visits, finger sticks, and ultrasounds.

On Wednesday I went and saw the Diabetes nurse Kathy. She was very nice and answered all of the questions I had (no matter how crazy they were). I did do some research before going and she was impressed that I looked at the ADA website and not just some random ones that might have said terrible things that would put me in a panic. Anywho, She taught me how to use my meter and we talked about keeping a log so we know where the numbers are coming from.

Today, I am going to the nutritionist and we are going to discuss my diet. Hopefully I will be able to help this with diet and exercise. I know that I am not skinny and that could have been one of the contributing factors of this. It is not a definite indicator though.

I had a doctor's appointment with my OB yesterday and Fred finally got to meet him. Boy can this doctor talk. I couldn't even get a word in. He said that the way the numbers were looking, I am able to process and metabolize the sugar through the day but not at night (my fasting test in the morning is high). He said that it might have to be regulated with insulin. I also faxed over my log to the Diabetes center. Kathy called me on my way home to see if I had made my appointment yet with the high risk OB. I had not but she was working on that. We discussed my numbers and she said the same thing the doctor said. I am glad that things are starting to make sense and I understand them.

I finally made my appointment with the high risk OB and they want me to come in pretty soon because they want to make sure "Rusty" is doing well and has not started growing a lot. I have to do a separate log for them now too. Upon arriving home, Kathy called me back. She said she had talk to high risk OB and they agreed I need to do another test on top of the finger sticks. They want me to check my urine for Ketones. This is what helps break down sugars when you are sleeping. They think that I either am missing those or they are not working correctly and I need to have a snack during the middle of the night to help with that.

So, this is going to be a long third trimester. I now start my doctor's appointments every other week and in the off weeks I have to meet with the high risk OB and have ultrasounds. I am extremely tired just thinking about it. Everything is going to be fine...POSITIVE THINKING!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

I have what?!?!?!?

I went for my glucose test yesterday. I was doing the 3 hour one. I had to fast from midnight the night before, they drew my blood and tested it. The nurse then told me it was 101 and I could go eat. I said, "what?" I'm supposed to drink the drink and she told me that because my sugar level tested higher than 94 I had to go see a diabetic counselor at South Shore hospital. I asked her if I had gestational diabetes and she said NO when I went to the counselor she will test me again.

The hospital called me today to schedule my appointment and I was informed I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I nearly dropped the phone. I asked the woman to clarify because my doctor's office was not able to confirm that yesterday. She said according to my chart, I was to schedule an appointment with the counselor to go over my meter and how to test my blood multiple times throughout the day. I also will need to have an ultrasound to check the development of the baby. I explained that I thought I was going in for another test before being diagnosed and she informed me I could speak to the counselor about that. Then, the following Saturday I have an appointment to meet with a nutritionist to discuss my diet.

I am somewhat worried a this point. How can I be told one thing and then another (with a diagnosis) before even having another test done. Has anyone else had gestational diabetes and if so how was it diagnosed? I am also concerned because in my research, there have been statements regarding an increase risk of Type 2 diabetes for me later in life. I plan on calling my doctor on Monday and discussing this with him but any help anyone can give me would be wonderful.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Only the Good Die Young

I know this blog is for my motherly wishes and here is a big one...I wish Baby Gallup could have met Edward Whelan. This was a man who was a fatherly figure for me for the past 16 years after my father passed away. He lived next door from me (23 years to be exact) with his wife AnneMarie. I love the both of them dearly.

I received a phone call from my mother on Friday morning informing me Eddie had died. I was in shock and raced over to their house immediately. I didn't know what I was going to find at the house. I was greeted by AnneMarie saying "You have to go to work". I told her I was staying with her and my mother. The funeral home was called and were on their way along with AnneMarie's son EJ.  Eddie was not sick and died very peacefully in his sleep.

Let me explain the significance of the Anawan Street family.  Back in the late 60's early 70's they were building houses on Anawan Street in Brockton and many couples were looking to buy them. They soon moved in and started their own families. At the bottom of the street were the Foley's, Caldwell's, McCarthy's, Conroy's, and Walker's. At the top of the hill were the Whelan's and Sullivan's. All of us were family. Many of the kids went to school together (I was too young but I had great babysitters). Any party that was happening, we were all there. A few years back many of the mothers and fathers moved elsewhere because their children were all grown up and had families of their own. The Whelan's and Sullivan's stayed along with the Caldwell's and McCarthy's.

Eddie was the first patriarch to pass away. He will be dearly missed. My mother told me on Friday that Eddie was keeping up on my baby news and what was new in my life through Facebook and my blog. He also told my mother he was very excited that we are having a boy and if she ever needed help watching him to give him a call and he would be right over. In the back of his car, he had a child gate for my mom. He was the most considerate, thoughtful and unselfish man I knew. May he rest in peace.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh my Goodness!!

The other day while at work I started having some really bad cramps on the left lower side of my stomach. I tried to stand up and I couldn't. I started getting very hot and nervous. Eventually I could stand up and I went over to lay down.  In doing so, the pain intensified and the baby was not moving at all. Maybe he was stuck, and I couldn't do anything. I felt useless at this point. A co-worker called the nurse who in turn called 911. I went in an ambulance to Brockton Hospital. They took me straight up to Labor and Delivery. My mom and Fred were both called and came up when they got there.

They hooked me up to a machine where they could hear the baby's heartbeat and monitor if I was having contractions. All I kept thinking was, this baby was not ready to come out. He needs to cook more. Apparently, what I was feeling was not contractions. I was told because my uterus and the baby have grown so much in the past few weeks, space is becoming limited inside me. There is a lot of pressure being put on my lower abdomen and I should get a support belt for my back and belly. All of this drama for them to tell me that I am continuing to grow. Oh My Goodness!!!!! It was so stressful!! I really want the rest of this pregnancy to be stress and sickness that too much to ask?