Yesterday Fred, my mom and myself went for an ultrasound. Everything went good. The little one wasn't really cooperating for a few of the pictures so we have to go for another one and my father-in-law is coming for that one. During the ultrasound, my mom was holding onto my shoulder and arm and was squeaking at every little thing. It was really nice to see how excited she was to partake in the experience. She was very grateful. We found out the sex but not ready to share it on the internet yet.
I have found the first gift I want to buy for the little one. It is a book called "What a Wonderful World". It coincides with the song by Louis Armstrong. The book has wonderful colored pictures and many different people in it. It really depicts how wonderful a world it can be. It is beautiful!
I started my scrapbook last night. It is so calming. I thought it was a nice way to showcase all of the ultrasounds we have. Before this they were on the fridge. Michael's has such a variety of various girl/boy/gender neutral stickers. I had so much fun picking out a few items and the paper. It will be a work in progress as we go through the pregnancy but I am so looking forward to the end result!!
Congratulations, Erin. The ultrasounds (especially the ones that you find out the sex) are so special. The scrapbook sounds wonderful too. One thing - don't ever put your ultrasound pictures through the ruins them. Just a tip I heard that I thought I'd pass along. Wouldn't want any heartbroken new moms. :)