Saturday, March 26, 2011


On Wednesday (22 weeks exactly), I was sitting and watching TV when I felt something like a gas bubble popping in my stomach. I ignored it. I felt it again and put my hand on my stomach and started rubbing. I felt the little one bobbing around. It was pretty cool. I went into bed and laid down. I put my hand on my stomach and started talking to him and that was when my hand jumped. He kicked my hand so hard it moved. I talked to him and we had a moment (I cried a little). Fred still hasn't felt him move but I can't wait until that happens. I said to Fred yesterday that I feel because the baby has been moving so much, when he is born he is going to come out and run a marathon while singing Born Free!!

I went to the doctor yesterday because I thought something was wrong with my breast. Turns out I have overstimulated around the aereola when I was sleeping and that has started the production of milk in that breast. My doctor said that if the breasts are overstimulated enough that might cause contractions to start. That was something I did not know. I have to get new bras to wear at night so this won't happen anymore. It is quite painful!

We finally finished our registries at Babies R Us and Target. I look at them everyday. I was surprised to see that something was already bought. Last weekend we picked out the furniture as well from IKEA. I love, love, love the dresser we picked. We already have a crib which was in the family. We are getting a dresser and a bookshelf/changing table.

We have started moving the furniture around and out of the second bedroom to make room for baby. I can't wait to start making the hundred acre wood on the walls. I was inspired to do something creative on the walls that matched our theme from a friend that was in my sorority. I saw her maternity photos (which I have booked the same girl to do the newborn photos) and I fell in love with her Dr. Seuss theme in her nursery.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Doctor's appointment

I had another monthly check in this week. I was so excited to have gained a pound and a half (never thought I would be happy to gain weight). I just want to make sure with how sick I have been, that the baby is growing the right way. The doctor assured me that little guy is getting everything he needs even with how sick I have been.

She said my uterus is in the right place with the baby and they are good and high up in my stomach. The top of my stomach is hard as a rock. I took my hand the other day and started feeling around while pressing fairly hard and I felt the little guy moving around and such. It was pretty cool.

While the doctor was taking his heartbeat he kept jumping around and doing somersaults (as always). At one point we heard a big thud and realized he had come up and hit the machine she was using for taking the heartbeat. It was quite comical.

I have to go in April for my Glucose test. I am not looking forward to it but if I psych myself out, I will not be able to drink the drink. I am going to keep telling myself it is orange soda and that I love it!! I have to stay in the office and I am not looking forward to having to fast from midnight the night before. I am able to drink water. My appointment is at 9:00 am so that is another plus.

I am very happy with the progress I am making and finally I am having people tell me I look pregnant and have a belly bump. I'm glad that I just don't look fat anymore (that was how I was feeling for a little bit). It is quite a happy feeling!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Active Little One

Some new things have been going on since my last post. Baby Gallup has been super active and I had my first real kick this morning. I had an idea of what it was because of how active the baby has been. It was a great feeling. I'm surprised it isn't happening more :)

This past Monday, I went for a Level 2 ultrasound but thought it was because they weren't able to get a measurement of the spine and heart. The tech was nice but did not divulge much. I asked how it was going and all she really told me was that the baby was moving around a lot. She didn't think she got everything and had the doctor come in to talk to us and try herself. She was very nice and told us right away what was going on. The baby has a "bright spot" aka freckle on his heart. It doesn't mean anything for later in life and might even go away within my next trimester. It just means there is a part of the heart that is a little brighter and possibly stronger than the rest of his heart. I was somewhat nervous because you want everything to be perfect for your little one and to be told there is an imperfection is hard. But after speaking with my doctor, I felt reassured that everything will be alright.

I realized I have let it slip in the last paragraph...We are having a boy!!!!! We registered last weekend at Babies R Us. Oh Boy was it overwhelming! We had fun but there was so much stuff we had to get. I didn't realize this beforehand. We trekked through and finished but need to do some tweaking online. We are super excited!!!!