I had another monthly check in this week. I was so excited to have gained a pound and a half (never thought I would be happy to gain weight). I just want to make sure with how sick I have been, that the baby is growing the right way. The doctor assured me that little guy is getting everything he needs even with how sick I have been.
She said my uterus is in the right place with the baby and they are good and high up in my stomach. The top of my stomach is hard as a rock. I took my hand the other day and started feeling around while pressing fairly hard and I felt the little guy moving around and such. It was pretty cool.
While the doctor was taking his heartbeat he kept jumping around and doing somersaults (as always). At one point we heard a big thud and realized he had come up and hit the machine she was using for taking the heartbeat. It was quite comical.
I have to go in April for my Glucose test. I am not looking forward to it but if I psych myself out, I will not be able to drink the drink. I am going to keep telling myself it is orange soda and that I love it!! I have to stay in the office and I am not looking forward to having to fast from midnight the night before. I am able to drink water. My appointment is at 9:00 am so that is another plus.
I am very happy with the progress I am making and finally I am having people tell me I look pregnant and have a belly bump. I'm glad that I just don't look fat anymore (that was how I was feeling for a little bit). It is quite a happy feeling!!
I actually loved the orange glucose drink!! Glad to hear things are going well~ Try preggo drops for the morning sickness! You can get them at Whole Foods or any maternity store!