Saturday, July 9, 2011

This past week Fred and I went to our appointment with the high risk OB. We had an ultrasound and (drumroll please....) Rusty is perfect. He weighs around 6 lbs 13 oz and is in the 46 percentile. That is fantastic. The doctor had nothing but praise for me. There was no cause for alarm.

We did talk about delivery and she explained that she does not want me to go to 40 weeks and I agree. I want to be able to have a natural delivery but I am not against a C-section. She said my chances of that would greatly increase the closer I got to my due date or even over if we waited for labor to start on its own.

I then had an appointment with my OB and a non stress test and baby looks great. My OB agreed with what the high risk OB said. The plan is...July 21st I have an appointment and Fred and I will be going (with bags packed in the car). I will have a non stress test and be checked out. He said that if I look good he will send me up to be induced. This does not mean we will have a baby at this point but it will get the process started. He said if he doesn't think my body is ready, then he will see me again in a few days and we will try again. I wonder because we have this plan if Rusty will show up before that?? One can only wonder...

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