Thursday, June 30, 2011

And in this corner...Rusty!!!!

The nursery is now 95% complete. All that is left to do is put together the glider and it will be done. This weekend, Fred and I are going to do our last minute shopping of what we need for him that we haven't gotten already.

A few things have changed since my last check in. I am now on insulin 4 times a day. My doctor had increased the medicine to just about the maximum when she thought it would be a good idea to switch me. Now my numbers are all over the place and some have been constantly high. I have been on the insulin for over a week now and I thought it would have regulated by now. The doctor has increased my doses 2 times already. Hopefully things will even out.

This past Tuesday I went for a doctor's appointment and had an ultrasound and a non-stress test. The last ultrasound we had, "Rusty" was measuring in the 56th percentile and looked really proportionate. This time he still was proportionate but weighed 6 lbs 13oz and is in the 80th percentile. I nearly died!! The closer he is to 50 the better. The ultrasound tech reassured me that she had a mobile unit and the measurements might be off. Obviously that didn't help how I was feeling. I was very anxious and scared!!

After the ultrasound, I had a non-stress test and he looked great. It took the nurse a while to get a good position to keep his heartbeat (he is quite a wiggler). But he passed with flying colors. I then had an appointment with my doctor. He informed me due to the weight increase of me (4 lbs which is the first time I have gained) and baby, I will most likely be induced early. I have to come in every week and have a non-stress test now but if in 2 weeks there is an issue with baby, he will induce me. So holy scary!! I knew I needed to be ready but I thought I would have a few more weeks after that. Fred is taking the day off and going with me in case I am sent to the hospital.

I packed the baby and my hospital bag yesterday. Fred is packing his this weekend. We have another ultrasound on Tuesday with the Diabetes doctor. Hopefully he doesn't gain too much weight between now and then. I will update next week.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Oh Boy, oh boy!

There has been a lot that has happened since my last post. We decorated the nursery and put up the Winnie the Pooh decals on the wall. Fred and I had a fun time doing that. We have to put together the changing table and glider and then the furniture in the room will be all set. We still have some stuff gathered at my in-laws and need to bring it home very soon. 

Saturday we had our birthing 101 class. It was informative. I was worried about seeing what birth movie they were going to show but it wasn't bad at all. It didn't make anyone sick. LOL I did find out that birthing process is not what I thought or had seen on shows/movies. I thought once you got to the hospital, you lay in a bed and don't really move around, and that is the position you would have the baby. That is not the case. They encourage you to move around as much as possible and if you don't have an epidural you can birth the baby in any comfortable position you want. I have changed my birth plan and a few things I had thought about once he is here because of this class.

Sunday the Eatons came by and we did a maternity shoot. I had many ideas and I was grateful Luke put up with me as well as he did for it all. He listened and shot away. Fred had a photo in mind and once he explained it, I started crying immediately. He loves that we got our Winnie the Pooh chair for "Rusty". He took the turtle I had made for him (from Timmy), the bear Timmy had made for Fred and the bear Timmy made for me and sat them in the chair together. I loved it!!!! I am so glad he thought of that.

We had a doctor's appointment this week as well.  We had an ultrasound and met with the Diabetes Counselor. "Rusty" is measuring normally and his weight is in the 56% (which is a little high but nothing to be worried about) and he is in the middle weight class weighing in at 4lbs 14oz. Now I understand why the kicks, punches and rolls are so intense!! For one of the pictures, he has his foot up to his head. It is quite humorous. 

How about my day yesterday? I seriously thought we were going to have a baby. I was short staffed at work and decided it would be smart for me to take the students up the 3 flights of stairs to my room (my dr told me no more stairs and should take the elevator). Upon reaching the top flight I started having a contraction. I continued to walk the students to class. Once in class I sat down and waited for it to subside. 10 minutes later, I had another one. I walked around for a bit and was drinking water. I didn't feel well and decided it was time to see the nurse. I went down to my friend Lynn's class and had to sit because I was having another contraction. She brought me down to the nurse. Once in the office for a bit I had had 4 contractions in one hour. This alarmed me but I stayed calm. I called Fred and my mom.

I stayed in the office for a bit and continued to have contractions. I called my dr and they said to come to the office right away. Lynn took me and they hooked me up to the fetal monitor and contraction machine (don't know the technical term). Baby was doing fine but I was worried. I kept saying, "we are not ready" "I am not ready for labor" "He can't come now"! I was scared. But alas, no baby (PHEW!!!) I was extremely dehydrated. The doctor told me my Ketone levels in my urine were very high and that is not good for the baby. He wrote me out of work until Monday due to the weather and my needing to rest. I am very thankful that everything is alright. I need to be smarter about my body and my baby.