Sunday, July 24, 2011

Here he comes...

Some things have happened since my last update. I have had 2 more non stress tests and he has looked great. The last appointment I went to the doctor checked me and I was progressing nicely and even dilated to 1 cm, but alas not enough to send me to be induced.

Last Monday, I was at Stop and Shop doing some last minute food shopping and I started having some really intense pains in my stomach. I finished up and went out to my car. The pains were so bad I couldn't drive home at that point. I called Fred and then the doctor. The doctor told me he would send my paperwork to the hospital and to head there, I might be in labor!! I called Fred with the news and he left work to come and get me. I was still having the pains/cramps until I was hooked up to a machine and was laying down...they stopped! The doctor on call came in to check me and said I was not in labor and described what I would feel if I had contractions. Alas, we went home with no baby.

This past Thursday I had my weekly appointment with the OB and he scheduled our induction for Sunday (tonight)!!! Of course I didn't sleep more than about 2 hours last night. I am nervous of the unknown. I have heard that contractions and labor are more intense if you are induced and I have also heard the opposite. I guess it will be nice to finally know what a REAL contraction feels like, seeming as though I thought I had been having them before. Our little guy will hopefully be here tomorrow. My cousin Johnny's birthday is tomorrow (good day).

Here are a few of my wishes for my son: I hope he never gives up. I hope he knows I will always love him no matter what. I hope he knows he will succeed at whatever he puts his mind/heart to. I hope he dreams BIG! I hope he will be the person he wants to be. Declan: I love you so much and I haven't even met you! I can't wait to kiss your face, hold your hands and hug you forever!!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

This past week Fred and I went to our appointment with the high risk OB. We had an ultrasound and (drumroll please....) Rusty is perfect. He weighs around 6 lbs 13 oz and is in the 46 percentile. That is fantastic. The doctor had nothing but praise for me. There was no cause for alarm.

We did talk about delivery and she explained that she does not want me to go to 40 weeks and I agree. I want to be able to have a natural delivery but I am not against a C-section. She said my chances of that would greatly increase the closer I got to my due date or even over if we waited for labor to start on its own.

I then had an appointment with my OB and a non stress test and baby looks great. My OB agreed with what the high risk OB said. The plan is...July 21st I have an appointment and Fred and I will be going (with bags packed in the car). I will have a non stress test and be checked out. He said that if I look good he will send me up to be induced. This does not mean we will have a baby at this point but it will get the process started. He said if he doesn't think my body is ready, then he will see me again in a few days and we will try again. I wonder because we have this plan if Rusty will show up before that?? One can only wonder...

Thursday, June 30, 2011

And in this corner...Rusty!!!!

The nursery is now 95% complete. All that is left to do is put together the glider and it will be done. This weekend, Fred and I are going to do our last minute shopping of what we need for him that we haven't gotten already.

A few things have changed since my last check in. I am now on insulin 4 times a day. My doctor had increased the medicine to just about the maximum when she thought it would be a good idea to switch me. Now my numbers are all over the place and some have been constantly high. I have been on the insulin for over a week now and I thought it would have regulated by now. The doctor has increased my doses 2 times already. Hopefully things will even out.

This past Tuesday I went for a doctor's appointment and had an ultrasound and a non-stress test. The last ultrasound we had, "Rusty" was measuring in the 56th percentile and looked really proportionate. This time he still was proportionate but weighed 6 lbs 13oz and is in the 80th percentile. I nearly died!! The closer he is to 50 the better. The ultrasound tech reassured me that she had a mobile unit and the measurements might be off. Obviously that didn't help how I was feeling. I was very anxious and scared!!

After the ultrasound, I had a non-stress test and he looked great. It took the nurse a while to get a good position to keep his heartbeat (he is quite a wiggler). But he passed with flying colors. I then had an appointment with my doctor. He informed me due to the weight increase of me (4 lbs which is the first time I have gained) and baby, I will most likely be induced early. I have to come in every week and have a non-stress test now but if in 2 weeks there is an issue with baby, he will induce me. So holy scary!! I knew I needed to be ready but I thought I would have a few more weeks after that. Fred is taking the day off and going with me in case I am sent to the hospital.

I packed the baby and my hospital bag yesterday. Fred is packing his this weekend. We have another ultrasound on Tuesday with the Diabetes doctor. Hopefully he doesn't gain too much weight between now and then. I will update next week.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Oh Boy, oh boy!

There has been a lot that has happened since my last post. We decorated the nursery and put up the Winnie the Pooh decals on the wall. Fred and I had a fun time doing that. We have to put together the changing table and glider and then the furniture in the room will be all set. We still have some stuff gathered at my in-laws and need to bring it home very soon. 

Saturday we had our birthing 101 class. It was informative. I was worried about seeing what birth movie they were going to show but it wasn't bad at all. It didn't make anyone sick. LOL I did find out that birthing process is not what I thought or had seen on shows/movies. I thought once you got to the hospital, you lay in a bed and don't really move around, and that is the position you would have the baby. That is not the case. They encourage you to move around as much as possible and if you don't have an epidural you can birth the baby in any comfortable position you want. I have changed my birth plan and a few things I had thought about once he is here because of this class.

Sunday the Eatons came by and we did a maternity shoot. I had many ideas and I was grateful Luke put up with me as well as he did for it all. He listened and shot away. Fred had a photo in mind and once he explained it, I started crying immediately. He loves that we got our Winnie the Pooh chair for "Rusty". He took the turtle I had made for him (from Timmy), the bear Timmy had made for Fred and the bear Timmy made for me and sat them in the chair together. I loved it!!!! I am so glad he thought of that.

We had a doctor's appointment this week as well.  We had an ultrasound and met with the Diabetes Counselor. "Rusty" is measuring normally and his weight is in the 56% (which is a little high but nothing to be worried about) and he is in the middle weight class weighing in at 4lbs 14oz. Now I understand why the kicks, punches and rolls are so intense!! For one of the pictures, he has his foot up to his head. It is quite humorous. 

How about my day yesterday? I seriously thought we were going to have a baby. I was short staffed at work and decided it would be smart for me to take the students up the 3 flights of stairs to my room (my dr told me no more stairs and should take the elevator). Upon reaching the top flight I started having a contraction. I continued to walk the students to class. Once in class I sat down and waited for it to subside. 10 minutes later, I had another one. I walked around for a bit and was drinking water. I didn't feel well and decided it was time to see the nurse. I went down to my friend Lynn's class and had to sit because I was having another contraction. She brought me down to the nurse. Once in the office for a bit I had had 4 contractions in one hour. This alarmed me but I stayed calm. I called Fred and my mom.

I stayed in the office for a bit and continued to have contractions. I called my dr and they said to come to the office right away. Lynn took me and they hooked me up to the fetal monitor and contraction machine (don't know the technical term). Baby was doing fine but I was worried. I kept saying, "we are not ready" "I am not ready for labor" "He can't come now"! I was scared. But alas, no baby (PHEW!!!) I was extremely dehydrated. The doctor told me my Ketone levels in my urine were very high and that is not good for the baby. He wrote me out of work until Monday due to the weather and my needing to rest. I am very thankful that everything is alright. I need to be smarter about my body and my baby. 

Monday, May 30, 2011

You can't always get what you want...But we did!!!!

Our baby shower was last weekend and was hosted by my mother and mother-in-law. It was amazing!! So many friends and family were there to celebrate with us. The place was great, food was delicious, I heard the cake was amazing (frosting still tastes like soap :(), and the amount of gifts was unbelievable. Everyone was so generous and thoughtful. "Rusty" is going to be the best dressed baby ever!!! Honestly, there is not much more that we have to get (which makes me less anxious). I have to give a special thank you to my cousin Kristina for putting together a most impressive basket. The day that she found out we were pregnant, her shopping spree started. Her basket had to have weighed a good 40 pounds. I couldn't open it all at the shower and was super excited to open it this weekend. One word-AMAZING!!

The nursery is coming along. The crib is finished and now the dresser is put together as well. All we need now is the changing station and glider to be put together and put in the room. I can't wait to put the decals up in his room. The whole theme of the room is Winnie the Pooh and we have 2 foot tall decals of the characters to put on the walls. I will post pictures when the room is complete.

Some things I can't wait for: meeting this little man that keeps tickling me under my ribcage, and to not have to live with pricking my finger 4 times a day. I just want to be able to enjoy a cheeseburger, french fries and shake without having to check my sugar afterwards (actually that sounds really good and I think that might be my first meal once baby is out!!)

I think all the time, what is he going to look like, how is he going to sound, what temperament will he have, is he going to love me, will I make all the right decisions for him, am I going to be a good mom? As I write this, I have a few tears because I have been told that I will be a great mom but I don't know if I will. I know my motherly instincts kicked in soon after I was diagnosed with GD but will it continue? Do other people have these feelings or am I just being an emotional roller coaster?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Are we going to be ready...

My gestational diabetes seem to be somewhat on track with my medicine. The doctor has increased it a few times but I seem to still be having a few spikes a week. Not really sure why because I am sticking to the diet to a T.

I went shopping last weekend and I came home to find that Fred had put together the crib. When I saw it, I immediately started crying and it was a bit overwhelming. I realized that in about 2 months there was going to be a baby living in this room. I keep asking myself if we are going to be able to get our act together and be ready for him to come. Fred is motivated and is doing so much around the house with cleaning and preparing but I am not. I am so tired when I get home from work and on the weekends our schedules have been quite busy. Fred has been taking care of the cleaning and such when I go to bed.

Tomorrow is our baby shower!! I am super excited and can't wait to see family and friends I have not seen in some time. I can't wait to open the presents for "Rusty"!! Pictures will be posted on facebook. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011

My Big Toe!!!

This past week my numbers for the gestational diabetes have been high. I had an appointment yesterday with the high risk OB who specializes in gestational diabetes. She was amazing!! She made me feel very calm and laid out my options so I could understand them and I was not confused.

After she analyzed my numbers, I had 2 options, either an oral medication or insulin. After weighing the pros and cons I decided to go with the pill. I take it 3 times a day, before breakfast, before dinner and before bedtime. After just starting it yesterday before dinner my numbers seemed to have gone down. The true test was my fasting number this morning and it was FINALLY where it supposed to be. I am super happy that this is working so far. If the pill doesn't end up working the whole time, I will have to switch to insulin but we will cross that bridge when we get to it.

We had an ultrasound of the little guy yesterday too.  He is measuring fine and does not seem to have taken on much weight from my extra glucose, PHEW what a relief!! He weighs 3 pounds now and is in the 67 percentile. "Rusty" and I had a long talk in the car regarding his cooperation for the ultrasound. He listened for the most part, but when it came to printing the pictures he decided it was time to become shy. We did get a great picture of his BIG FEET and BIG TOE!!!! (takes after his father)

All in all it has been an uphill battle and I was tired but now I feel I can relax a little and everything is going to be fine. I go back for another appointment in 4 weeks. For now, it's just tracking what I eat, taking my medicine and enjoying the last weeks of my pregnancy.

Thank you to everyone who is supporting me and reading this. Your advice and comments are greatly appreciated and very helpful!!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

It is confirmed...

It has been confirmed by my doctor, my diabetes nurse, a high risk OB, and a nutritionist that I do in face have gestational diabetes. So, where do we go from here and what does this mean? It is a long roller coaster of doctor's visits, finger sticks, and ultrasounds.

On Wednesday I went and saw the Diabetes nurse Kathy. She was very nice and answered all of the questions I had (no matter how crazy they were). I did do some research before going and she was impressed that I looked at the ADA website and not just some random ones that might have said terrible things that would put me in a panic. Anywho, She taught me how to use my meter and we talked about keeping a log so we know where the numbers are coming from.

Today, I am going to the nutritionist and we are going to discuss my diet. Hopefully I will be able to help this with diet and exercise. I know that I am not skinny and that could have been one of the contributing factors of this. It is not a definite indicator though.

I had a doctor's appointment with my OB yesterday and Fred finally got to meet him. Boy can this doctor talk. I couldn't even get a word in. He said that the way the numbers were looking, I am able to process and metabolize the sugar through the day but not at night (my fasting test in the morning is high). He said that it might have to be regulated with insulin. I also faxed over my log to the Diabetes center. Kathy called me on my way home to see if I had made my appointment yet with the high risk OB. I had not but she was working on that. We discussed my numbers and she said the same thing the doctor said. I am glad that things are starting to make sense and I understand them.

I finally made my appointment with the high risk OB and they want me to come in pretty soon because they want to make sure "Rusty" is doing well and has not started growing a lot. I have to do a separate log for them now too. Upon arriving home, Kathy called me back. She said she had talk to high risk OB and they agreed I need to do another test on top of the finger sticks. They want me to check my urine for Ketones. This is what helps break down sugars when you are sleeping. They think that I either am missing those or they are not working correctly and I need to have a snack during the middle of the night to help with that.

So, this is going to be a long third trimester. I now start my doctor's appointments every other week and in the off weeks I have to meet with the high risk OB and have ultrasounds. I am extremely tired just thinking about it. Everything is going to be fine...POSITIVE THINKING!!!!

Friday, April 22, 2011

I have what?!?!?!?

I went for my glucose test yesterday. I was doing the 3 hour one. I had to fast from midnight the night before, they drew my blood and tested it. The nurse then told me it was 101 and I could go eat. I said, "what?" I'm supposed to drink the drink and she told me that because my sugar level tested higher than 94 I had to go see a diabetic counselor at South Shore hospital. I asked her if I had gestational diabetes and she said NO when I went to the counselor she will test me again.

The hospital called me today to schedule my appointment and I was informed I have been diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I nearly dropped the phone. I asked the woman to clarify because my doctor's office was not able to confirm that yesterday. She said according to my chart, I was to schedule an appointment with the counselor to go over my meter and how to test my blood multiple times throughout the day. I also will need to have an ultrasound to check the development of the baby. I explained that I thought I was going in for another test before being diagnosed and she informed me I could speak to the counselor about that. Then, the following Saturday I have an appointment to meet with a nutritionist to discuss my diet.

I am somewhat worried a this point. How can I be told one thing and then another (with a diagnosis) before even having another test done. Has anyone else had gestational diabetes and if so how was it diagnosed? I am also concerned because in my research, there have been statements regarding an increase risk of Type 2 diabetes for me later in life. I plan on calling my doctor on Monday and discussing this with him but any help anyone can give me would be wonderful.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Only the Good Die Young

I know this blog is for my motherly wishes and here is a big one...I wish Baby Gallup could have met Edward Whelan. This was a man who was a fatherly figure for me for the past 16 years after my father passed away. He lived next door from me (23 years to be exact) with his wife AnneMarie. I love the both of them dearly.

I received a phone call from my mother on Friday morning informing me Eddie had died. I was in shock and raced over to their house immediately. I didn't know what I was going to find at the house. I was greeted by AnneMarie saying "You have to go to work". I told her I was staying with her and my mother. The funeral home was called and were on their way along with AnneMarie's son EJ.  Eddie was not sick and died very peacefully in his sleep.

Let me explain the significance of the Anawan Street family.  Back in the late 60's early 70's they were building houses on Anawan Street in Brockton and many couples were looking to buy them. They soon moved in and started their own families. At the bottom of the street were the Foley's, Caldwell's, McCarthy's, Conroy's, and Walker's. At the top of the hill were the Whelan's and Sullivan's. All of us were family. Many of the kids went to school together (I was too young but I had great babysitters). Any party that was happening, we were all there. A few years back many of the mothers and fathers moved elsewhere because their children were all grown up and had families of their own. The Whelan's and Sullivan's stayed along with the Caldwell's and McCarthy's.

Eddie was the first patriarch to pass away. He will be dearly missed. My mother told me on Friday that Eddie was keeping up on my baby news and what was new in my life through Facebook and my blog. He also told my mother he was very excited that we are having a boy and if she ever needed help watching him to give him a call and he would be right over. In the back of his car, he had a child gate for my mom. He was the most considerate, thoughtful and unselfish man I knew. May he rest in peace.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Oh my Goodness!!

The other day while at work I started having some really bad cramps on the left lower side of my stomach. I tried to stand up and I couldn't. I started getting very hot and nervous. Eventually I could stand up and I went over to lay down.  In doing so, the pain intensified and the baby was not moving at all. Maybe he was stuck, and I couldn't do anything. I felt useless at this point. A co-worker called the nurse who in turn called 911. I went in an ambulance to Brockton Hospital. They took me straight up to Labor and Delivery. My mom and Fred were both called and came up when they got there.

They hooked me up to a machine where they could hear the baby's heartbeat and monitor if I was having contractions. All I kept thinking was, this baby was not ready to come out. He needs to cook more. Apparently, what I was feeling was not contractions. I was told because my uterus and the baby have grown so much in the past few weeks, space is becoming limited inside me. There is a lot of pressure being put on my lower abdomen and I should get a support belt for my back and belly. All of this drama for them to tell me that I am continuing to grow. Oh My Goodness!!!!! It was so stressful!! I really want the rest of this pregnancy to be stress and sickness that too much to ask?

Saturday, March 26, 2011


On Wednesday (22 weeks exactly), I was sitting and watching TV when I felt something like a gas bubble popping in my stomach. I ignored it. I felt it again and put my hand on my stomach and started rubbing. I felt the little one bobbing around. It was pretty cool. I went into bed and laid down. I put my hand on my stomach and started talking to him and that was when my hand jumped. He kicked my hand so hard it moved. I talked to him and we had a moment (I cried a little). Fred still hasn't felt him move but I can't wait until that happens. I said to Fred yesterday that I feel because the baby has been moving so much, when he is born he is going to come out and run a marathon while singing Born Free!!

I went to the doctor yesterday because I thought something was wrong with my breast. Turns out I have overstimulated around the aereola when I was sleeping and that has started the production of milk in that breast. My doctor said that if the breasts are overstimulated enough that might cause contractions to start. That was something I did not know. I have to get new bras to wear at night so this won't happen anymore. It is quite painful!

We finally finished our registries at Babies R Us and Target. I look at them everyday. I was surprised to see that something was already bought. Last weekend we picked out the furniture as well from IKEA. I love, love, love the dresser we picked. We already have a crib which was in the family. We are getting a dresser and a bookshelf/changing table.

We have started moving the furniture around and out of the second bedroom to make room for baby. I can't wait to start making the hundred acre wood on the walls. I was inspired to do something creative on the walls that matched our theme from a friend that was in my sorority. I saw her maternity photos (which I have booked the same girl to do the newborn photos) and I fell in love with her Dr. Seuss theme in her nursery.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Doctor's appointment

I had another monthly check in this week. I was so excited to have gained a pound and a half (never thought I would be happy to gain weight). I just want to make sure with how sick I have been, that the baby is growing the right way. The doctor assured me that little guy is getting everything he needs even with how sick I have been.

She said my uterus is in the right place with the baby and they are good and high up in my stomach. The top of my stomach is hard as a rock. I took my hand the other day and started feeling around while pressing fairly hard and I felt the little guy moving around and such. It was pretty cool.

While the doctor was taking his heartbeat he kept jumping around and doing somersaults (as always). At one point we heard a big thud and realized he had come up and hit the machine she was using for taking the heartbeat. It was quite comical.

I have to go in April for my Glucose test. I am not looking forward to it but if I psych myself out, I will not be able to drink the drink. I am going to keep telling myself it is orange soda and that I love it!! I have to stay in the office and I am not looking forward to having to fast from midnight the night before. I am able to drink water. My appointment is at 9:00 am so that is another plus.

I am very happy with the progress I am making and finally I am having people tell me I look pregnant and have a belly bump. I'm glad that I just don't look fat anymore (that was how I was feeling for a little bit). It is quite a happy feeling!!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Active Little One

Some new things have been going on since my last post. Baby Gallup has been super active and I had my first real kick this morning. I had an idea of what it was because of how active the baby has been. It was a great feeling. I'm surprised it isn't happening more :)

This past Monday, I went for a Level 2 ultrasound but thought it was because they weren't able to get a measurement of the spine and heart. The tech was nice but did not divulge much. I asked how it was going and all she really told me was that the baby was moving around a lot. She didn't think she got everything and had the doctor come in to talk to us and try herself. She was very nice and told us right away what was going on. The baby has a "bright spot" aka freckle on his heart. It doesn't mean anything for later in life and might even go away within my next trimester. It just means there is a part of the heart that is a little brighter and possibly stronger than the rest of his heart. I was somewhat nervous because you want everything to be perfect for your little one and to be told there is an imperfection is hard. But after speaking with my doctor, I felt reassured that everything will be alright.

I realized I have let it slip in the last paragraph...We are having a boy!!!!! We registered last weekend at Babies R Us. Oh Boy was it overwhelming! We had fun but there was so much stuff we had to get. I didn't realize this beforehand. We trekked through and finished but need to do some tweaking online. We are super excited!!!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

What a Wonderful World!!

Yesterday Fred, my mom and myself went for an ultrasound. Everything went good. The little one wasn't really cooperating for a few of the pictures so we have to go for another one and my father-in-law is coming for that one. During the ultrasound, my mom was holding onto my shoulder and arm and was squeaking at every little thing. It was really nice to see how excited she was to partake in the experience. She was very grateful. We found out the sex but not ready to share it on the internet yet.

I have found the first gift I want to buy for the little one. It is a book called "What a Wonderful World". It coincides with the song by Louis Armstrong. The book has wonderful colored pictures and many different people in it. It really depicts how wonderful a world it can be. It is beautiful!

I started my scrapbook last night. It is so calming. I thought it was a nice way to showcase all of the ultrasounds we have. Before this they were on the fridge. Michael's has such a variety of various girl/boy/gender neutral stickers. I had so much fun picking out a few items and the paper. It will be a work in progress as we go through the pregnancy but I am so looking forward to the end result!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

"I don't know, beets me"

The new issues I have are a runny nose and waking up at 3:00 am everyday. I think it is a combination of not being able to breathe and having to use the bathroom. Hence the blogging at 3:15 am this morning.

On Wednesday, I went and got a manicure with two good friends. We were deciding on colors for me and I usually go with a dark red or brownish tone from OPI. This time, Kim found the perfect color and name for me. OPI's "I don't know, beets me", it is pink and I am very excited about it. It is not a color I would normally pick but it looks good and reminds me of spring.

The reason for the pink color is because we have an ultrasound this morning and we have decided we are going to find out the sex. I know that we originally said we weren't going to but alas nothing can be a surprise for me and we know it will be easier for us in the long run. I have a feeling it might be a girl, Fred feels boy (we both have a 50/50 shot right?) Either way, as long as it is healthy and happy, that is all that matters.

I don't know how public we are going to make the sex, but I would like to keep the name a secret. I have run into some resistance with a few of them and have been a little upset from the outcomes so I would like to keep that from happening. It would be nice to have something be a surprise, right?

Saturday, February 12, 2011

This Week has been Exciting!!

This week has been super packed with exciting things revolving around the wee little one. First, last Sunday I used a gift certificate that a friend gave me to get my first prenatal massage. OH MY GOD it was amazing!! I was happily surprised I got to lay on my side for the work done on my back but I also got to cuddle with a body pillow. It was very relaxing. Then when it came to foot and leg work, I laid on my back with the back of the bed pushed up and a pillow under my legs. I felt like a new person when my new best friend Jenny finished. I have decided I am going to start a mommy massage fund so I can go every month. Sounds good to me!!

The next exciting thing happened on Wednesday night while I was trying to go to bed. I was laying on my side and I felt a sharp little dig in my stomach. I thought it might have been gas so I moved around a bit. It happened again and again. When it did the third time, I pushed back on my stomach and it happened again. I made sure to say hello to Baby Gallup. I rolled over and we played this game on the other side. I then looked at the clock and explained that Mommy had to go to bed. It was very exciting and a bit overwhelming to feel more than a flutter from Baby Gallup. I have a friend at work that touches my belly every time she sees me. She's very excited to be an auntie and she's enjoying watching me go through the pregnancy. Yesterday she found me and starting rubbing my belly and asking if he/she was kicking back. I explained it's not really a kick right now but there was no action on the baby's part, until I went down the hallway. Then Baby Gallup would not stop moving. I think he/she was taking a nap!!

Today is also very exciting! Fred and I are going to South Shore hospital for follow up blood work and then having a tour of the maternity ward. I can't believe how fast time is flying by. I am super happy about the tour. Tonight we have dinner reservations for Valentine's Day at The Loft in Andover and we are both looking forward to that.

I wish everyone a wonderful week!!

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Fred and I planned on going out to this really nice restaurant called Benjamin's  when we found out we were pregnant. I am 15 weeks and we still haven't gone out for the dinner. Either I haven't felt well, or he has been too tired. I really want to go because I am craving the prime rib. I suggested we go tomorrow night because we haven't planned for a Friday yet and thought maybe that would work. We'll see...

The other day I felt a little flutter in my stomach and I stopped everything I was doing to feel it and enjoy it. I knew it was the first feelings of the little one. Fred told me it was gas. I had a feeling but I haven't felt it again. It honestly felt like there was a butterfly just taking flight in my belly. Knowing how active this little one is I wouldn't be surprised if I am already feeling him/her. I got goosebumps thinking about it. I can't wait to feel a kick next.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Musical Interpretation

While driving to work this morning Lee Ann Womack's I Hope You Dance came on the radio. While listening intently, I realized the lyrics explained how I feel about my unborn child and what I want for him/her. Let me explain:
I hope you never lose your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger
May you never take one single breath for granted
God forbid love ever leave you empty handed
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give faith a fighting chance
I want my child to have any opportunity available for hi/her. I don't want him/her to ever give up on his/her dreams.
I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance
Never settle for the path of least resistance
Living might mean taking chances
But they're worth taking
Lovin' might be a mistake
But it's worth making
Don't let some hell bent heart
Leave you bitter
When you come close to selling out
Give the heavens above
More than just a passing glance I want him/her to give everything a chance even if he/she might get hurt. I want him/her to not be afraid of anything. I want him/her to give love an opportunity.

Another song I heard and thought of my child as well and that is Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney. The idea  of this song explains that life goes by so quickly and if you blink you might miss it. I love the chorus of this song:
Don't blink, just like that you're six years old
And you take a nap
And you wake up and you're twenty-five
And your high school sweetheart becomes your wife

Don't blink, you just might miss
Your babies growing like mine did
Turning into moms and dads
Next thing you know your better half
I realized today that this has happened to me so far. I feel like I was just a young child walking on the beach with my mom and dad hand in hand. Then I graduated high school, went off to college, married my high school sweetheart, and now I am having a child myself. WOW!!!! How time flies!!All in a blink of an eye!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Being called Mommy

Alright, this whole being called Mommy thing is a little scary. There are some people at work that do it and it is really creeping me out. I know that I will eventually have to get used to it, but right now I don't really care for it. When the July gets closer then  I think I will have a better feeling about it, but right now not so much.

Also, people touching my belly already is bothering me as well. This belongs to me and no one else has a right to touch my belly without asking me. I have one friend that has been doing it since day one and I think it is cute but not someone who I barely even know. My belly is growing but is not that big yet so BACK OFF!!!!!!! Oh boy and I will let you know if you cross the line!!!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Patience is a virtue (that I seem to have lost)

Since being pregnant,  I have realized how much of my patience I have lost. I don't know where it went but I hope to get it back soon. The times where I seem to have most of my issues is while driving. I tend to yell a lot and pop up a certain finger very quickly. Yesterday, for example, I was driving to work and there were two cars in front of me. The leader was doing 30 mph where it was 40 mph and also when the speed went up to 55 mph he was doing 45 mph. I was so heated and was yelling at the guy in front of me (whose fault it was not). When I got an opportunity, I got in the other lane and sped around the leader. In doing so I got caught at a red light with him on my left. I lost it and started yelling and shaking my fist at him through the window. He paid me no mind. I sped off when the light turned green.

I also have lost some patience with my students which upsets me. I have worked so hard on being patient with them I do not want to loose that quality. I know that it has become a problem and I will continue to work on it getting better.

Has any one else experienced this while pregnant? If so, how did you deal with it?

Monday, January 24, 2011

Morning (ALL DAY) sickness

OMG!!! The people who have been telling me that my morning sickness will be better once I hit second trimester, LIED!!!!!! Of course for me it can't be easy.

When I first found out I was pregnant, I did not feel good. I was nauseous and vomiting. I went to the doctors and got a prescription. I felt much better after starting the medication. My best meal I had was on Christmas day (all I have to say is scalloped potatoes...YUM)! I have gotten my prescription filled twice and the third time my insurance thought it would be the same to give me the generic brand...big mistake!! I gag every time I take it. I have also stopped taking my prenatal vitamins because they made me sick last week. I have been really sick now since last week.

Yesterday, I picked up the pregnancy drops and they didn't really do much today. What has been working is Jolly Ranchers and that is keeping everything at bay. I just want to eat regularly again. When will the madness end...

Sunday, January 23, 2011


My big question is, "When is it time to register?" I honestly can't wait to register. When Fred & I got married, I loved running around the store with the scan gun just picking fun and unnecessary items (that we both swore we needed to have).

I can't wait to go into Babies R Us and register. I have about 18 different bedding sets picked out. The one we decide on will predict what we pick for the swing, pack & play, stroller/carseat, etc. I like the idea of doing sea animals especially turtles. They seem to be asexual (which is great because we are not finding out what we are having). I am so excited!!!!!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Fred got me into this!

Here it goes...

Fred came home the other night and told me he started a blog for our baby. I was touched (an emotional mess to say the least) and I thought to myself, I would like to do that as well. The reason for my blog is for advice, emotional support, hearing that what I am going through is normal, and also my hopes, dreams, and wishes for the wee little one.

How can you love someone so much without even meeting them? Or that someone only being the size of a peach? I love this baby with all that I am and all that I live for every day. It is unthinkable how much more that love will grow.

I went to the Dr's today for a checkup and my mother came with me. It was the first time I had met the doctor. I can honestly say that I love him and feel we are in very capable hands. He set the tone very casual and comfortable (which any expecting mother needs). My mother and I heard the heartbeat today. It was very strong and loud. My mother cried and I had a small tear as well. It all seems real now that I am pregnant. There is a little something growing inside of me. I can't wait to feel it moving around!!