Friday, February 25, 2011

"I don't know, beets me"

The new issues I have are a runny nose and waking up at 3:00 am everyday. I think it is a combination of not being able to breathe and having to use the bathroom. Hence the blogging at 3:15 am this morning.

On Wednesday, I went and got a manicure with two good friends. We were deciding on colors for me and I usually go with a dark red or brownish tone from OPI. This time, Kim found the perfect color and name for me. OPI's "I don't know, beets me", it is pink and I am very excited about it. It is not a color I would normally pick but it looks good and reminds me of spring.

The reason for the pink color is because we have an ultrasound this morning and we have decided we are going to find out the sex. I know that we originally said we weren't going to but alas nothing can be a surprise for me and we know it will be easier for us in the long run. I have a feeling it might be a girl, Fred feels boy (we both have a 50/50 shot right?) Either way, as long as it is healthy and happy, that is all that matters.

I don't know how public we are going to make the sex, but I would like to keep the name a secret. I have run into some resistance with a few of them and have been a little upset from the outcomes so I would like to keep that from happening. It would be nice to have something be a surprise, right?


  1. There are pro's and con's to knowing the sex! Pro's it's easier to register and set-up shop! You can start to envision your future. You will get adorable outfits as gifts. Con's you will be surprised at the ultrasound but not at the birth. You won't be able to envision our live as having a boy and being able to switch that vision to a girl.

    It's definitely a matter of preference. I am so type A that I couldn't imagine not having everything set-up or having to return things. You and Fred will make the decision that is best for you! Good Luck!

  2. I say, don't worry about the opinions of others (better said than done, eh?).. it's all about what you and Fred want :)

    (And I definitely want to see this nail color - I need a reminder of spring asap!)
