Thursday, January 27, 2011

Patience is a virtue (that I seem to have lost)

Since being pregnant,  I have realized how much of my patience I have lost. I don't know where it went but I hope to get it back soon. The times where I seem to have most of my issues is while driving. I tend to yell a lot and pop up a certain finger very quickly. Yesterday, for example, I was driving to work and there were two cars in front of me. The leader was doing 30 mph where it was 40 mph and also when the speed went up to 55 mph he was doing 45 mph. I was so heated and was yelling at the guy in front of me (whose fault it was not). When I got an opportunity, I got in the other lane and sped around the leader. In doing so I got caught at a red light with him on my left. I lost it and started yelling and shaking my fist at him through the window. He paid me no mind. I sped off when the light turned green.

I also have lost some patience with my students which upsets me. I have worked so hard on being patient with them I do not want to loose that quality. I know that it has become a problem and I will continue to work on it getting better.

Has any one else experienced this while pregnant? If so, how did you deal with it?

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